About a month ago, at a work happy hour, Co-worker A unintentionally let it slip that she had received "my shower invitation." Co-worker B promptly hit her. "I didn't know it was supposed to be a surprise!" declared Co-worker A. I assured her that I knew that I wasn't going to get one and still had no idea when. Then we went back to drinking.
This got my wheels spinning, of course. I had not even been thinking about my shower at the end of May since the wedding was still over four months. Then, being my overly analytical/obsessive self, I started to nitpick away at all the possible dates. I settled in on one in particular and given certain things that were said throughout the next few weeks, I felt pretty certain about it. But I didn't want to know! I started asking questions to get people to tell me that it wasn't that date because I wanted so badly to be truly surprised. To everyone's credit, they were good at trying to throw me off track. One friend even sent me a fake Shower invitation so that I would not go to hers and have that day open. The ruse was that we were going bridal dress shopping for another friend, Samia, and were going to surprise her with champagne to celebrate her engagement.
In any event, irregardless of any correct assumption on my part or presence or lack of surprise, my friends and mother threw me the best bridal shower ever.
It was held in the common room of friend, Eugenia's apartment building. When I walked in with my friend, Gabi, I guess no one was expecting me because they were all just standing around chatting. Slowly, people started to see me. I went back out and came back in so they could take "surprised" pictures. As I made my rounds, saying hi and giving hugs and kisses, I began to notice all the little, perfect details. There were green table cloths and red and green cups and plates, beautiful garnet, white and green center pieces made by my mother, Turkish food (falafel, tahini, tzasiki, pita, cheese cigars and taramasalata) along with tomato, mozzarella salad, green salad with cranberries, nuts and feta and a hero, as well as all sorts of drinks (most importantly wine).
My cousin Sarah gave me a corsage, which was very thoughtful and sweet.
Then the special guest star, who turned out not to be a stripper, but a baker arrived. Veronica taught the guests to decorate lingerie cookies (matching panties (I hate that word) and bra sets, bustiers and nightgowns). There were also some animals and flowers for the kids.
She then proceeded to give me a private lesson in making a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. It was so much fun and right up my alley. I felt like I was on a cooking show. All the ingredients were measured ahead of time and after I poured the batter into the baking sheet, Veronica swapped it out for the cooked version. The finished product was not sampled until Arthur and I got home that evening, but it was delicious - as you can see from the amount missing that very same night!
Later on, there was more cake and then the opening of presents. During this event, my future sister-in-law, Jen, asked the crowd questions about my relationship with Arthur. I think the most significant question was the "When did Arthur know Andrea was the one?" The answer? When I was able to identify from another room that particular light saber sounds were from The Empire Strikes Back (not A New Hope or Return of the Jedi). I'm pretty sure I appalled some people by that reveal and may have lost a few guests for October...
Anyway, everyone was sweet and generous and it was all a great deal of fun. All the guests got to take home the lingerie cookies they made as well as these "Turkish" tea jars made by Janette.

I am one lucky woman to have so many amazing women in my life.
P.S. I took most of the photos with my new digital camera given to me by my parents for the shower.