Once again, I have allowed my blogging to lack. Once again, I vow to be better about it. Once again, you see through my false promises.
Anyway, I have pretty much fallen in love with living in Brooklyn despite the fact that I still get the occasional incredulous, "you live...there?!?" when I mention my address. This is nothing new to me. When my former roommate and I initially thought about moving into East Harlem, we got the "what are two white girls doing moving there?" Now, you should go and visit the place. Restaurants and young, faces of various shades abound.
That has yet to happen in the LPG/Crown Heights neighborhood we've settled in. Admittedly, things would be easier slightly closer to the subway, or on the other side of the park or a few more stops towards the city.
Yet, it sort of feels like a respite - living a bit further away. When I pass through my door, there is practically an audible sigh oozing from my body. I feel myself relax in a way that I don't believe I did living in SpaHa. We are more removed here - from work, from the busy nature of Manhattan, from all the things that annoyed us before.
Plus, we can do things like grill.
It's also fun to discover places a handful of subway stops or a half hour walk or so from our pad. A few weeks ago, Arthur and I randomly chose to go for a walk and get some ice cream. That's when we discovered Blue Marble. We were enamored straight away. They had all natural cherry chip and grape nut flavors that were to die for. As we licked their sweet and creamy concoctions on a cone, walking through Prospect Park, it really felt like summer. Also, thanks to J & Z for introducing us to Bark. Amazing, fatty hot dog yumminess that was just perfect for the next day hangover. JJ and I discovered Habana Outpost - a fun outdoor Cuban place where you get your food (amazing roasted corn with cheese, succulent cuban sandwiches) off a truck, sip your frozen mojito and listen to music.
In any event, it is working for us so far. I look forward to discovering more worthwhile places, possibly writing about them, but definitely delighting in them. I won't even mind having to defend my 'hood's honor from those who ask, "why do you live there"?
How is Brooklyn life?