1) Am I the only one who no longer finds Jason's son cute?
2) Why did DeAnna have to fly to New Zealand for what appeared to be a 15 minute convo?
3) Why were they in New Zealand again?
4) How many times did Jason cry during the 3 hour Bachelor marathon we just witnessed?
5) How insensitive (aka shitty) was it of Jason to break up with Melissa on TV?
6) Did everyone cheer when Melissa called him a bastard?
7) Why did Molly not react the way I wanted her to - by telling Jason to go @#$% himself?
8) Will Jason break up with Molly in after the after the final rose?
9) Why is it that every audience favorite bachelor taken from The Bachelorette who makes a re-appearance "to find love" ends up looking like a pig?
10) Will Molly get a rose now?
11) Was that a connived series of events to manufacture the most dramatic Bachelor ever? (the last five words are said in Chris Hansen voice)

I was appalled by the whole thing, as was the rest of the country, obviously. He's on the cover of People this week! At least we can see our Jillian again!