So a big trend lately seems to be to send out e-mail save the dates with the wedding website attached for your travel plans and convenience. We didn't go with the trend. Fight the power! Seriously, we aren't going over the top with paper, but we wanted to do something a little different with our save the dates. I'm happy with what we've ordered and they should arrive in about a week or so. AND they were so inexpensive. We designed them at 123print. In any event, I think that for our actual invitations, we'll go with Etsy or Carlson Craft that gives a percentage back to charity (and also it is has Arthur's last name), but these will do for now. Actually, I am pretty psyched about them.
And now, the tough part - finalizing the guest list. We know who we definitely want to invite. So don't worry A list people. You know who you are! I think the most difficult thing going on in my brain at the moment is inviting people from work - past and present. A year ago, there were tons of colleagues I would have probably invited from my job. Presently, they are ex-colleagues. So I think back and wonder whether or not I should invite them because at one point we did have a good relationship. Then there is the current job. I've only been there for a little over 7 months and it is a little different because we have a "team." The question is do I invite the whole team? All of this adds up and can spiral out of control. When you start adding all these little pockets of people from various times in your life, suddenly your medium sized wedding of 120 people turns into a guest list of over 170. Ack! Ideally, I would invite everyone, but let's face it. We have math to do with dollar signs attached.

I have talked with a few people about this dilemma and most give very sound advice, all centering the idea that we should invite those people with whom we will continue to have relationships for years to come. The problem is two-fold. One, how do we really know who we will continue to be friends with (there are many people that I could have sworn I would keep in touch with over the years and on the flip side there are some people that I have managed to keep in touch with that have surprised me)? Two, I have a nice, well-developed sense of guilt that permeates nearly all of these types of decisions. The idea that we may offend someone or hurt someone's feelings is bothersome. I mean I didn't even want to tell the venues on our short-list that we decided to go with someplace else. I wonder if they feel rejected. Do you think they hate us now???

Date saved! We got the card today. Tom & Phil