Music. One of the essentials of a good party. I remember when I lived with my former roommate and we would compile the list of itunes to make sure that we had the perfect ambiance. For example, we might start with sort of chill Rat Pack diddies or a little Bossa Nova. This allows for nice background music as one is still sober enough to have real conversation. Later on, we might usurp said conversationally appropriate melodies for the latest top 40 hits a la Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears and Rihanna. This would be followed with one or two of our newest danceable discoveries such as Queen's "Free" or Bowie's "Golden Years." Ah, and the 80's music. I almost forgot the 80's music. That would have been blasphemy! The point is fun - sheer, drunken, dancing fun. Prior to the contributions of the invention gods at Apple, we would pick out the CD's that we wanted to play on our stereos and guests would often take over the dj'ing at will. It would all ultimately end in a Andrea vs. Samia room battle of the dancing.

And we had the BEST times.
Now, Arthur and I are on the hunt for someone to DJ the ultimate party. My groom-to-be has contacted many of the local DJ companies and they have given us price quotes and packages (free sunray light anyone? Wait. Anyone know what a sunray light is?).

When Arthur first mentioned the ipod idea, I'll admit that I was against it. I thought it might seem cheesy. The more I think about it, though, the more I like the idea. I like that we can painstakingly pick out the songs that we want to be heard and enjoyed and danced to without fear of rebellion by DJ I Know What is Best or DJ That Music Should Never Be Played. We have found only one DJ company that will rent equipment and take care of the ipod at a reasonable price. Unfortunately, that DJ is New Jersey based. This leads me to wonder, why is that industry so behind the times? And why must we pay a month's rent for someone to play their itunes?

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